The leadership, vision, and dedication of our Board of Directors are key to the organization’s success in serving the mission and constituents in the Worcester area.
Tori Buerschaper – President
Eric Collier– Vice President
Kelsey Miller – Treasurer
Frank Callahan
Mitchell F. Gaumond
Yahui Kong
Ilka Kostka
Laila Mhirig
Hilda Rosa Maldonado
Raquel Mota-Hays
Anyeliny Lamptey
Rezarta Reso
Joining a nonprofit board of directors can build professional skills, create new opportunities, provide civic engagement, and greatly impact the organization and constituents served. Literacy Volunteers of Greater Worcester has openings on the board with members’ completion of three-year terms. We encourage community members to send in a letter of interest, resume, and/or bio to express your interest. Members are nominated throughout the year, and all members are voted in at our Annual Meeting in October.
LVGW Board of Directors Job Description.
If you are interested in joining us, please email resume and a statement of interest to Pingsheng Chen: and Tori Buerschaper: